Thursday, January 12, 2012

Upcoming Crafts!

Skyrim has been detrimental to my knitting lately. But, really, what's more important, finishing my cowl, or finally unlocking Dual Flurry and Arcane Blacksmith?! Those things are amazingly epic if you're The Listener. Okay, I'm done nerding out here.

Hopefully this weekend I will begin the following:

This: Dovahkiin! is going to go on an item for my always loving and fantastic husband. 


I love the thrift shop on Nellis Air Force Base, there's always something amazing in there. In this case, this item doesn't look so amazing right now, but I will be making it beautiful, functional, and cool.

Let's just say... the hubby will be on spray paint duty this weekend. :)

Also! I got new storage for some of my knitting notions. I was running out of space in my smaller, compartmentalized storage solutions containers. It was for the best, it seems like every time I need a stitch marker, or a cable needle, I have to get up and find the container... and it's all just very inconvenient. But thanks to Micheal's, and these very affordable and cool looking containers, I have everything within an arms reach.

To top all these amazing weekend plans off, I will be seeing Beauty and the Beast IN THEATERS on Friday, and dinner date with some friends on Saturday. I hope life is well for everyone else, as well!

- Ashley

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